Improve your long time learning with these special strategies

Improve your long time learning with these special strategies

The ability to retain and recall information contributes to the memory, knowledge, and learning of any student. But do students know how they can learn, what works for them, and what strategies they need to use? Finding the answers to these questions, a few years ago, Kent State University, Duke University, University of Wisconsin, and the University of Virginia published a review of hundreds of studies that talked about the strategies that help students in long time learning.

Most influential two technics
The practice of Testing: In this, the students have to practice the question to generate answers. These questions involve solving old papers, multiple-choice questions, or the practice of Essay questions. After intensive research, this technique was considered the most effective for improving learning.
Practice in pieces: Instead of doing a large part of your work (like memorizing) students at one time, divide it into parts and do it at certain intervals of time. By spreading their learning, students can remember it for a long time. For example, Recalling him for one hour daily for eight days than up to remembering for eight consecutive hours in a day is better.

Somewhat efficient methods
Ask yourself in detail: Ask yourself about any topic why it is so. Why is this correct? This helps you to think about the material and improve the previously learned topic.
Solving Different Problems: By doing this you will be able to avoid tying your time to the same type of question as well as recognize the similarity or dissimilarity between what you are studying.

These techniques are not helpful
Highlighting or underlining: This method is not effective in long-term learning because it is performed on autopilot mode and does not help improve learning or gain context in new learning.
Re-reading: Many times it is believed that we have remembered a topic by applying the readings again, but many times it is a cursory reading which does not help you to know the subject in depth.

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