Never write negative things in a cover letter

 Never write negative things in a cover letter

To make the cover letter sent with the CV attractive, avoid including negative things in it. These things can create a negative image of you in the mind of the HR manager, which may make it difficult for you to get the job. Know what to keep in mind...

have this information

Tell positive things about your career that will help the employer understand your profile. By writing negative things, he may not show interest in the CV and reject it. So avoid it.

tell skills

Few things are included in cover letter. Many times, on the basis of these, the HR manager opens your CV. So include your skills in it. Do not make the cover letter too long, say your point in short words.

keep it short

Keep the cover letter neither one line nor 500-600 words. Write down the main things about yourself in 150 to 200 words so that it does not become confusing. It is easier to understand what is said in fewer words.


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