Develop leadership quality like this

 Develop leadership quality like this in english

Developing leadership quality requires a pause in which you can understand yourself and be prepared to lead others. That's why leadership quality is developed by taking care of some things.

Respect everyone's views:

Your team member and yours may have conflicting views, but respect that. Listen and understand them. Incorporate their ideas into officework related plans. Discuss it together.

Sit with Team Members:

 Sit with the team from time to time. This way you will be able to understand them and know their capabilities. The more familiar the team members are with you, the better and easier the work will be. So stay connected with them in some way or the other.

Share your experience also:

Share your experiences with team members. Your experiences will help make their job easier. This experience will help them in resolving the problems they face at workplace and will be a relief to them.


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