Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Life, Love & Happiness

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Life, Love & Happiness

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Life, Love & Happiness
Gaur Gopal Das is a former Hewlett Packard engineer turned Indian lifestyle coach and motivational speaker who is part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Gaur Gopal Das has influenced a large number of people from all over the world through his inspirational motivational and spiritual speeches regarding various aspects of life. So here I am going to share some of the famous and most Inspiring Gaur Gopal Das quotes that will be great for someone who wants to read something about self-development.

Inspirational Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

1. “Self-discipline is about taking charge of your mind and directing it to act in the best interest of yourself.” 

2. “It is strange that sword and words have the same letters. Even more strange is that they have the same effect if not handled properly.” 

3. “To focus on what we can do is the most powerful catalyst for growth.”

4. “To move on and accept change is the sign of wisdom and maturity.” 

5. “A good leader is one who is a good follower of another good leader.”

6. “I Shall Leave the World a Better Place, Then it was When I entered it.” 

7. “Values aren’t taught by what we say, they are taught by our example.”

8. “Every moment lived well is the secret of overall wellness.” 

9. “One of the effects of enlightened people is – they make others feel inspired in their company.”

10. “We have to move people from HRM to HAM (Human Asset Management). We have to treat people as assets and motivate them beyond just earning money.”

11. “Earning with integrity, spending with compassion is conscious capitalism. It will add values to your valuables. When you will find that purpose you will love your work otherwise work can be a drag.”

12. “One who genuinely regrets for a mistake not only feels bad about it but is also willing to accept it’s a consequence and work hard to rectify it.”

Famous Gaur Gopal Das Quotes Images

13. “Open-mindedness is appreciated by everyone.”

14. “Do you know what oxymoron is? Words like pretty ugly, happily married. Well, business ethics is an oxymoron.” – Gaur Gopal Das

15. “Gucci suits won’t bring you satisfaction till you bring a smile on someone’s face. The good wishes of the person can do more for you.”

16. “Don’t let a breakup in any relationship lead to a break down in life. Seek emotional support from closed ones, functional support from wise ones and spiritual support from the one who loves us unconditionally “GOD”!”

17. “If you truly want to know how rich you are, drop a tear and see how many hands come to wipe that tear.” 

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Life, Love & Happiness

18. “Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.”

19. “Life is filled you have to do and what you love to do. surely do what you love to do, but also start loving what you have to do. That is the secret of happiness.”

20. “If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live.”

21. “Light of wisdom makes one feel light of the inner burdens in life”

22. “Pain is an integral part of life. It is up to you to decide what to choose, pain that hurts but heals or something that is pleasurable in the beginning and extremely painful thereafter.”

23. “It’s all too easy to focus on external achievements and forget to assets whether we are happy with the state of our life.”

24. “Love is less about emotions and feelings. it is more about taking responsibility to serve the beloved.”

25. “The saddest thing is that matter matters the most to us. if spirit mattered as much to us we would be happy forever!”

26. “Happiness seems like a butterfly. Oh! So close, but eluding us when we try to grab it.”

27. “Everyone experiences anxiety but they taste different flavors of it.”

28. “Familiarity breeds contempt,’ I replied. ‘When we are overly familiar with people, we forget how important they are to us and the correct way to behave with them.”

29. “When things are beyond your control and there is nothing you can do, why worry”

30. “Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny.”

31. “As a monk, I have to be cautious of overindulgence; it is essential to stay regulated in our habits.”

32. “To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship. Love is when we have every reason to break up but we do not.”

33. “Feeling peaceful, happy and content is not about avoiding challenges in our life, but about how we navigate through these challenges to reach the type of life we want to live.”

34. “fight the strong urge to judge someone based on an initial interaction with them. Everyone has a fascinating story that we know nothing about.”

35. “We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude”

36. “if someone chooses what they love to do, there is no stress in their life. As they say, ‘If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.”

37. “As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself . . . Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.’ —Nelson Mandela”

38. “Often, people can display selflessness outside their home. People may help out in their community, or at temples or schools, and some may even make sure that they get a selfie to announce to the world that they have helped. But at home, they may not express the same service mentality. I believe that selflessness starts at home; with the ones we love the most. Are we doing what we can to help them? Are we there for them to help them physically as well as emotionally?”

39. “Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.”

40. “Live your life in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.”

41. “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”


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